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The Benefits Of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause

Menopause is a time of transition in a person's life that causes changes in bodily functions associated with hormonal fluctuations, most notably estrogen and progesterone decline. During your menopausal years, you may experience severe menopause-related symptoms, and while some people sail through their menopausal years with very few symptoms, other people are debilitated by them. 

Traditional hormone replacement therapy is often prescribed for symptomatic relief, however, the hormones are synthetic and may cause side effects such as headaches, bloating, leg pain, and nausea. Conversely, bioidentical hormones are a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy and may be better tolerated. Here are some benefits bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can offer to help provide you with significant relief from unwanted menopausal symptoms.

Safer Method Of Restoring Hormonal Balance

One of the most important benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy during your menopausal years is that it has the ability to restore the balance of your hormones. Bioidentical hormones are made from natural sources that are almost identical to the natural hormones produced by your own body. They can also replace declining progesterone and estrogen levels to help alleviate some of the most common menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings. In addition, bioidentical hormone replacement can also help preserve your bone health by enhancing bone density and decreasing your risk for osteoporosis. This can help keep your bones strong and reduce your risk for fractures.

Individualized Treatment Plan

People who opt for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as opposed to traditional hormone replacement therapy enjoy a personalized approach to the management of their menopausal symptoms. Prior to getting your prescription, your healthcare provider will recommend lab tests to assess your hormonal levels to help individualize a treatment plan that is custom-made for you. In addition, while you are receiving your bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, your healthcare provider will closely monitor your progress and hormonal levels. If any changes are needed, they will make adjustments to ensure that your hormone levels remain optimal. 

If you experience menopausal symptoms and want a natural method of treatment or if you want to ensure optimal bone health, talk to your healthcare provider about the benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. With the help of your healthcare provider, you can determine which bioidentical hormone replacement treatment is right for you so that you can enjoy your menopausal years with comfort and a more positive outlook on life.
