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Total Joint Replacement Post Op Rehab Measures

After a total joint replacement surgery, you may experience various challenges such as pain, edema, incision site infection, and stiff joints. If ignored, these problems may cause post-surgical complications that prolong the healing process or risk returning to the operating room. Therefore, you should follow the doctor's instructions to ensure a quick recovery and a favorable prognosis. Below are four measures you can take at home after total joint replacement surgery.

1. Adhere to the Prescribed Medication

After surgery, the doctor may prescribe different types of medicine such as painkillers, muscle relaxants, and antibiotics to help you recover. You may be tempted to discontinue the treatment after a few days of feeling better. However, it is not advisable because it may result in complications related to the surgery. Therefore, you should complete the prescribed drugs and maintain the time intervals to ensure a quick recovery.

2. Elevate Your Limb

Elevating your limb after a total joint replacement surgery is crucial as it prevents discomfort and swelling. Additionally, it helps improve the perfusion of the surrounding tissues. Elevation can be done in a supine sleeping position or while sitting. You should use items such as a resting pillow or an orthopedic bed wedge elevated leg pillow. Therefore, it is advisable to elevate the affected limb after a total joint replacement surgery for an easy time and a quick healing process.

3. Use Cold Therapy

After a total joint replacement, you may experience pain and swelling. It is imperative to use readily available strategies to counter the pain when this happens. For instance, you may place an ice pack on the affected area to reduce the swelling and pain. In addition, it will speed up muscle recovery, enhance collagen production, and help in total joint replacement recovery. Hence, the joint will be able to move freely and with minimal pain.

4. Engage in Relevant Exercise

Engaging in various exercises to enhance the healing process after a total joint replacement surgery is advisable. For instance, if you undergo a knee joint replacement surgery, you should flex and extend your knee joint gently in a sitting position to prevent joint stiffness. However, the exercises vary with various types of joint surgeries. Therefore, if you are not sure which exercises are safe for you, it is important to consult your doctor or physiotherapist. They will advise you on the recommended exercises.

It is evident that total joint replacement post-op rehab is crucial. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor first before any intervention that could be uncertain.

For more information about total joint replacement rehab, contact a local doctor. 
