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Top Signs You Should Consider Bariatric Surgery

You might know of at least one person who has undergone bariatric weight loss surgery or who as at least considered it. In fact, you might have even found yourself considering bariatric surgery so that you can lose weight. This type of surgery can be lifechanging for many people, but it isn't right for everyone. These are a few signs that you might be a good candidate for bariatric surgery.

You Are Obese

Typically, bariatric surgery is not an option for those who are at a healthy weight — or close to it — and who simply want to lose vanity pounds. Instead, this is typically a surgery that is best reserved for those who are significantly overweight or obese. If you aren't sure of whether or not you qualify, consider comparing your height and weight to a BMI chart. There are online calculators that can help you determine if you are considered to be overweight or obese, and your doctor can provide you with more information as well.

You've Tried to Lose Weight on Your Own

Even if you are significantly overweight or obese, you shouldn't jump to bariatric surgery right away. Instead, you should first try to lose weight on your own. If you have already tried to exercise and consume a healthy diet but have not gotten the results that you hoped for, then it might be time to consider bariatric surgery. If you haven't yet taken weight-loss steps on your own, it might be a good idea to try to lose weight on your own first. If you focus hard on it, you might find that you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals without surgery.

You're Willing to Follow Your Doctor's Instructions

There are typically a lot of instructions that you have to follow before and after your bariatric surgery. Your doctor might ask you to take certain steps to prepare for the surgery, such as by restricting your food intake. After your surgery, you will need to follow aftercare instructions and routines to help ensure that your body heals as it is supposed to. It is important to be committed to following these instructions for your safety and well-being when having bariatric surgery done.

You're Looking to Make a Change

Of course, bariatric surgery is typically the best option for those who are looking to make a major change. You might be nervous about your increased risk of diabetes or heart disease due to your weight, and you might be ready to change the way that you look. If you are ready to make a major weight-related change, there is a chance that bariatric surgery might be right for you.
