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3 Reasons You May Need Nutrition Counseling

With all the books, podcasts, and information available online, there's no shortage of advice about what you should eat for optimal health.  And there's plenty of people telling you how to eat, whether it's a coworker loving the vegan lifestyle or a family member cutting carbs. A nutrition counselor can be the voice of reason among all the chatter about what you should or shouldn't eat. Here are three reasons you may want to seek out a nutritionist.

You are unique

When others find an eating or exercise plan that works for them, they're eager to share their success and encourage you to follow their plan for health. They mean well and want to see others achieve the results they have. However, every person has unique health challenges, and just because something works for one person doesn't mean it will work for you.

When you consult with a nutritionist, they will review your medical background, medications, and overall health. They will also take any emotional health issues into consideration, such as emotional eating or binge eating, when selecting a plan for you to follow. They will develop a program that's custom-made for your unique body and personality.

You want to know facts

While the internet can be a helpful tool for finding information, it can also be filled with misleading claims about health, diet, and exercise. It can be difficult to discern false information from the truth at times. Websites can appear professional, but their information may not be based on scientific facts about proper nutrition and health.

A nutritionist will discuss the latest in health and nutrition with you and may recommend reliable internet sources or books you can trust. A nutritionist will also keep abreast of the most recent studies in nutrition and will work with you to establish the healthiest eating habits for you.

You lack motivation

If you need to eat better or lose weight, it can be challenging to stay focused on making healthy changes to your diet without someone to cheer you on. Perhaps you don't have a lot of support from friends and family. You may even find others encouraging you to eat and find yourself at the all-you-can-eat buffet or grabbing a second doughnut from the office break room.

A nutritionist can be your cheerleader and offer vital encouragement. A nutritionist wants to see you succeed and can help you develop ways to manage special eating conditions, like meals out or office break room temptations.

When it comes to learning how to eat better or lose weight, a nutritionist is your best option for getting on the right track with your health. You can rest assured you will receive the most up-to-date nutrition guidance, and your nutritionist will be your greatest encourager to keep you focused on obtaining a healthy lifestyle.
