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Diagnosis And Management Of ED

If you have been suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED), you have probably been researching solutions for the problem. However, there are so many different treatments options that are offered as part of ED management that it can sometimes be overwhelming to know where to begin your journey. While every doctor diagnoses erectile dysfunction with a different method, there are a few steps that you should make sure you take in order to properly manage your problem.

Comprehensive Physical Exam

A comprehensive physical exam is one that takes place in a doctor's office with a doctor that will review most systems of your body. While it may seem unrelated, there are many different factors that could cause ED, including heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal disorders, and many other things. For this reason, your doctor will conduct a very extensive exam. While it may be uncomfortable at times, it is wise to remember that every disorder that you check off the list brings you one step closer to finding a cause for your ED. 

Blood Work

A full roster of blood work tests can also tell you a lot about what is going on inside your body. Testosterone levels can often be the culprit of ED, along with other hormonal imbalances such as hypothyroidism (low levels of the thyroid hormones). Hormone replacement therapies are a frequent treatment for ED, since so much of the reproductive system is affected by one's hormones.

Psychological Exam

While it may not be the most apparent cause of ED, psychological problems can also be a big factor. Many men seem unaware of how much their libido is affected by experiences from their childhood or early teen years. These are things that a psychological exam performed by a licensed clinician can uncover and potentially help treat. Some other causes of ED include high stress levels at work or in one's relationship, low self-esteem, past trauma, feelings of guilt, or marital problems. While some therapists need a referral from a medical doctor, some men choose to begin their search for an ED treatment with a psychological exam. Talking about one's problems may help to ease the daily stress they experience and help them to function properly again. If discussion is not enough to help, some professionals like psychiatrists may even prescribe medications in an effort to treat ED.

In conclusion, no matter where you are on your ED journey, there is help out there. Talk to an ED management professional today.
