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8 Tips For Handling Neck Pain For The Chronically Affected

Do you find yourself suffering from neck pain far more often than is normal? You do not have to live with this discomfort. If you are concerned about the pain or tension you carry in your shoulders, neck, or back, it could be time to make a change. These tips will help you do exactly that.

1. Find a pillow that works for you.

Even the most comfortable pillow will not help you much if your spine is not neutrally aligned, maintaining the natural curve of your neck. It should not force your head up or down -- you should feel natural.

2. Try to sleep on your back.

Sleeping on your back is typically the best position for your spine and neck. You can also place supports under each of your arms, eliminating some of the strain usually on your neck.

3. Stop looking down at your laptop.

Instead of using your computer on the surface of the desk, try lifting it with books. Some people even put their monitor on the television screen so that they look straight ahead rather than down at the screen. 

4. Keep your neck muscles strong with stretches and exercises. 

Stretching your neck side to side and then up to down may help relieve tension, but you might also focus on some yoga poses that encourage lengthening of the spine.

5. Clean out your purse.

Could some of the pain in your neck be caused because you are carrying a heavy purse or briefcase around? Clear it out so that you are only carrying the essentials.

6. Fix up your posture, not slanting forward.

You should be sitting up, not forward. Think about your posture throughout the day, straightening out whenever possible.

7.  Try swimming.

Swimming is a great exercise if you struggle with pain. If your back hurts when you run or lift weights, consider a relaxing swim several types a week (with the approval of a doctor, of course).

8. For long-lasting pain, see a physical therapist or doctor.

Do you have questions about dealing with your neck pain? It is important to see a medical professional as soon as you have concerns or serious pain. A doctor may be able to assess your health and determine whether you may have something more serious going on that needs to be addressed. Get in touch with a doctor today to learn more about your medical options for neck pain relief.
