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3 Things To Know About Rubber Bands With Braces

If you are about to get braces placed on your teeth, you should be prepared to have to wear rubber bands during your orthodontic treatment. Tiny rubber bands play an integral role with braces, and you should make sure you wear them as directed by your orthodontist. Here are three things you should know about these small rubber bands.

Does everyone need them?

Many people that have braces will be required to wear rubber bands at some point, but there is a chance you may not have to. The sole purpose of these rubber bands is to shift your bite and the positioning of your jaw. If you do not have issues with your jaw position or your bite, you most likely will not have to wear braces. If you do have any issues with these parts of your mouth, wearing rubber bands is the most effective way to correct the problems.

How do rubber bands correct problems?

Braces are made up of several key components, and the main parts are the brackets and wires. The brackets are placed on your teeth while the wire is placed through the brackets. The purpose of these parts is to straighten your teeth. When rubber bands are added to the equation, they will actually force your bite and jaw to change. Because of this, your orthodontist will carefully determine where to place the rubber bands. If you do not place them on the correct brackets, your jaw and bite will not align properly, and you may end up with more problems.

How long do you have to wear them?

When you first get braces, you probably will not have to wear rubber bands right away. The orthodontist may first try to shift your teeth into alignment before moving on to any jaw or bit issues. Once your teeth have shifted to where they need to be, your orthodontist will then probably give you the rubber bands and show you how to place them in your mouth.

You may have to wear these for the remainder of the time you have braces, or you may only have to wear them for a few months. This will depend on how much movement is needed to achieve the goals your orthodontist has for your jaw and bite. It is better to wear them at all times, except when eating, if you have to wear rubber bands. If you fail to wear them often enough, you may end up needing to wear your braces for a longer period of time.

If you have any questions about your teeth, bite, or jaw, contact an orthodontist in your area, such as Rosenzweig Orthodontics, to find out if braces would help you have a nicer smile.
