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Conquer The Scale: Three Things To Do Now For Successful Weight Loss

If you are struggling to achieve a healthy weight, now is the time to rethink your weight loss journey. Follow these simple tips to successfully start the process of reaching a healthy weight.

1. Rethink Your Portions

It happens to all of us: you select what you think is a healthy portion size, only to later learn that your 'healthy' portion size is two or even three times larger than it should be.

Start by learning what a proper portion size is. For protein, one portion is three ounces (or the size of your palm). One cup of fruit or vegetables is a single serving. When it comes to pasta, a half a cup is the correct portion. Don't try to eyeball your portions; instead, get a food scale and weight everything that goes into your mouth.

Individuals who are struggling with overeating may consider alternative methods to make it easier to stick to healthy portion sizes, such as the insertion of a weight loss balloon. A deflated balloon is inserted in your stomach via a non-surgical procedure. Once in your stomach, the balloon is inflated to reduce the size of your stomach, making it easier to eat the right amount of food.

2. Get the Appropriate Amount of Sleep

To achieve your weight loss goals, try to get the appropriate amount of sleep. Individuals who do not get enough sleep are more likely to make poor decisions regarding their food. They opt for processed snacks, high carb meals, and sugary drinks over fresh produce, balanced meals, and water.

Additionally, insufficient sleep affects the production of hormones in your body. Ghrelin is the hormone that tells your body it's time to eat. When you don't get enough sleep, the body produces a higher than normal amount of ghrelin.

Leptin is the hormone that signals your body to stop eating. Too little sleep results in lower than average leptin production.

3. Find an Activity that You Enjoy

When losing weight, it is important to add physical activity to your daily routine. Doing so combats the metabolic slowdown associated with losing weight. Not only do you burn calories during your workout session, but your overall resting metabolic rate increases after exercise. 

For the maximum benefit, try to get vigorous exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, a few times a week. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is something you like doing.

Losing weight can be a cumbersome process. Increase your odds for effective weight loss by sticking to these easy, but effective, guidelines (talk to a doctor to learn more).
