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3 Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy At Work

If you work outside your home, you may be concerned about the state of your teeth. At home, you have constant access to your tooth paste, brush and floss, However, you may feel that you cannot stop to adequately clean your teeth when you are at work. Here are a few things that you can do to help ensure that your teeth remain clean and protected while you are at the office:

Chew sugar-free gum.

Gum can easily be slipped into a purse or pocket for ready access at work. The gum can help flood the mouth with saliva to rinse away plaque and dilute oral acids.

Oral acids can be introduced through the foods or drinks that you consume, such as citrus foods  or sodas. They can also be produced by the bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria eat the particles of food that are left in your mouth after a meal or snack, and as they digest the food, they release acid. This acid is responsible for the development of tooth decay, so diluting it can help protect your teeth.

Since gum can usually be chewed in most office or work environments, it can make it easy to clean your teeth as needed without stepping away from your workstation or taking a break.

Keep water handy.

Many work areas contain a large water container for employee use. if water is not available in your office, you can bring a container or water bottle from home. Taking small sips of water throughout the work day can prevent your mouth from becoming too dry.

Dry mouth is associated with higher incidence of cavities. Without adequate saliva or moisture to dilute bacterial acid and rinse food from the teeth, tooth decay occurs more readily.

Be sure to rinse your mouth with water after your lunch and snack breaks to rinse away damaging plaque and acid soon after you eat.

Pack healthy snacks.

Healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit and veggies, can be packed for your snacks. These items can help clear plaque from your teeth as the fibrous texture scrubs against the tooth enamel. 

There are likely multiple vending machines available near your work station, but many of the contents of these machines are not healthy for your teeth and gums. Starchy or sweet snacks promote tooth decay by providing large amounts of food for oral bacteria.

To learn more ways to protect your teeth at work, schedule a consultation with a dentist. Contact a business, such as Peninsula Community Health Services- Medical (Cottonwood), for more information.   
