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Make Your Tummy Tuck Look More Natural To The World

Getting a tummy tuck is an exciting experience because it tends to increase self-esteem, and your clothes are sure to fit more attractively overall. But the change can spark a lot of attention from friends, family, co-workers, and others within your community that may make you feel uncomfortable when trying to explain why your tummy looks so much flatter than it did just a couple of weeks ago. Here are a few things you can do to make your tummy tuck look a little less conspicuous to the world so others appreciate your overall beauty, as opposed to zeroing in on your specific recent changes:

Loosen the Pants

One way to draw attention from your waist line both before and after you get your tummy tuck is to wear looser pants than you usually do. Don't go overboard and switch from form fitting jeans to baggy sweatpants, as this is sure to draw more attention to your anticipated change than you'd like.

But investing in a couple pairs of jeans that aren't snug at the waist will help make your transition less noticeable once your tummy tuck has been completed. A couple of weeks after having the tummy tuck done, you should be able to gradually get back into an even smaller and snugger pair of pants than you were wearing before without too much speculation.

Dress Things Up

Another easy way to help hide the fact that you've had a tummy tuck is to wear dresses that aren't form fitting for a day or two both before and after your procedure. This shouldn't raise any eyebrows unless you don't usually wear dresses, in which case you can rev things up by heading out in a dress once or twice a week during the weeks leading up to your tummy tuck procedure. After a couple of days in dresses after the procedure, you should be able to start wearing your regular clothes (or a smaller version) without anyone noticing any dramatic changes – of course, they will still notice that you look more svelte and toned than you did before you had the tummy tuck!

These tips and tricks will help to enhance your overall look as you recover from your tummy tuck procedure and help you shine overall for who you really are, giving your tummy tuck a chance to simply support your new look. After all, the procedure is meant to enhance the natural beauty you already possess. 

For more information, contact a center like Renaissance Center For Facial & Body Sculpting.
