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5 Facts About Pediatric Sports Medicine Specialists

When your little leaguer, pint-sized player or karate kid is injured in action, the sports medicine clinic can come to the rescue. From tennis elbow to sprains and assorted strains, sports medicine specialists have the expert knowledge needed to get your young athlete back up on his feet and running.

What can a sports medicine clinic do for your child? Learning the basics of sports medicine clinics and professionals is a must if your child is seriously into athletics.

Pediatric sports medicine doctors:

1. Treat common injuries. According to the Lerner Children's Pavilion at the Hospital for Special Surgery, pediatric sports medicine physicians help kids heal from strains and sprains. Even though these muscle and joint pains aren't on the same level as a major concussion, the pros at the clinic treat them along with more serious conditions.

2. Understand that children aren't just small adults. Unlike an adult, young children aren't always able to tell the doctor what is wrong. The American Academy of Pediatrics notes on its website that pediatric sports MDs are trained specifically to treat children. This means that they talk to kids in a way that is relatable and puts them at ease.

3. Help young athletes with more than injures. Even though these pros treat injuries and strains sustained during games, practice and training, they also help children to get through other related illnesses and conditions. For example, they help child athletes to maintain healthy, nutritious diets and provide information on the safety of dietary supplements. They can also provide injury-prevention tips and information on safe equipment use.

4. Have expertise in treating growing children. Pediatric sports doctors know that a 10-year-old's bones are still growing. They'll take this into consideration when setting a broken arm or leg.

5. Can help with eating disorders. If your child is compulsively exercising or isn't eating in order to compete at a specific weight, the sports medicine clinician can provide expert help and guidance. The doctor may help your child to start eating in a healthy way, refer you to another specialist or eating disorder clinic and answer your questions in a caring and confidential environment.

Having an child athlete may mean taking a visit to the sports medicine clinic. Understanding what a pediatric sports medicine doctor does and who he treats helps you to make sure that your child is getting the care that he needs in the event of illness or an injury. Talk with a sports medicine specialist, like Dr. Lisa M. Schoene, for more information about treating and preventing sports-related conditions. 
