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Avoiding Cervical Cancer: Three Important Questions You May Have

The dawn of a new year is the best time to sit down and make a list of all of the important health exams you need to undergo this year. Near the top of that list should be a trip to the gynecologist. Women should see an OBGYN like Wooster OB-GYN Inc at least once a year for an overall wellness checkup. One of the most important things your doctor will check for is the presence of cervical cancer. Here are some questions you may want to ask if you think you are at risk for this disease.

What are the Symptoms?

The important thing to remember about cervical cancer is that there are very few noticeable symptoms, which makes it a very dangerous health condition. One symptom that you may notice is extra bleeding after intercourse or irregular bleeding in general. There are a number of reasons for unusual bleeding, however, and it can be attributed to a less dangerous diagnosis. This is why seeing your doctor is so important.

Are There Any Risk Factors?

There are several risk factors that are associated with cervical cancer. Some of the most avoidable risk factors include having multiple sexual partners, smoking, and having intercourse at a young age. If you have a partner who has a sexually transmitted disease or a positive HPV infection, you are also putting yourself at an extra risk. If you have a weakened immune system, you may also find yourself more at risk for a positive cervical cancer diagnosis.

Can it be Prevented?

While you may not be able to completely prevent cervical cancer, there are several things you can do to reduce your risk. Going in for your annual checkup with your gynecologist is one of the best ways to quickly catch anything that may be abnormal. Avoiding tobacco and practicing safe sex are other ways to remain healthy. In addition, you may want to consider having a HPV vaccination to prevent this virus that can lead to cervical cancer.

Prevention is always the best medicine. It is so important that you take charge of your own gynecological health. A routine exam, along with a pap test, are very important parts of your health care. If you are nervous about going to the doctor, you may be able to find one that specializes in fearful patients. Ask your family and close friends for referrals. Take a close friend or confidant with you to your appointment. Do whatever you have to make yourself more comfortable about getting checked.
